Mohammad SAZESH, was born in Iran, Abadan, from a persian family who cames from the ancient city of Persopolis. At 1978 at the Accademia delle Belle Arti di Bologna he obtined at first a diploma in sculpture under the guide of professor Quinto Ghermandi and Dante Carpignani. At 1983 in a second time he obtained a diploma in painting and design under guide of professor Venturelli. In 1983 he realized the murble bust of Pope Wojtyla Gianni Paolo II, permanently exhipited in the Cathedral of Santa Maria in the city of Norcia in Umbria, Italy.
He performed his works in Italy, Germany and other europien countries. Many times he has participated on international exhibitions und symposiums of sculpture.
His sculpturs, someone monumental, are located in squares and musemus of different cities and in private collections.
He has also a profound knowledge of the ancient culture from Sumeria, Egypt and Persia.
At 2011 and 2013 he has been nominated curator of the International Biennale in the city of Borgo di Montone, Umbria, Italy.